Germany is Still a GO & Why I'm Running to Raise Support
Welcome back, dear friend. This is a short update to let you know I’m still going to Germany (YAY!). A lot of things have been uncertain lately due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but things are looking good for my team to travel in August. If you’re just joining me on this journey, I’m headed to Konstanz, Germany in August with a team from my church to help with refugee outreach. We will be serving alongside a local church in Konstanz, as well as Cafe Hope ministries, which directly helps refugees acclimate to a new culture and language. I want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has supported me so far through prayer, encouragement, and financial support! I know times are tough for many, so I especially want to honor everyone who has given financially since this pandemic broke out. I feel so loved because of you and I am constantly getting more and more excited about this trip! Quickly, I want to explain why I’m doing a running fundraiser to raise supp...