Germany is Still a GO & Why I'm Running to Raise Support

Welcome back, dear friend. This is a short update to let you know I’m still going to Germany (YAY!). A lot of things have been uncertain lately due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but things are looking good for my team to travel in August. 

If you’re just joining me on this journey, I’m headed to Konstanz, Germany in August with a team from my church to help with refugee outreach. We will be serving alongside a local church in Konstanz, as well as Cafe Hope ministries, which directly helps refugees acclimate to a new culture and language. 

I want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has supported me so far through prayer, encouragement, and financial support! I know times are tough for many, so I especially want to honor everyone who has given financially since this pandemic broke out. I feel so loved because of you and I am constantly getting more and more excited about this trip! 

Quickly, I want to explain why I’m doing a running fundraiser to raise support. The way I see it, running is an act of redemption. Refugees are running from their home countries in search of a safe place to live. I want to run as part of my preparation for this trip because with every step, I’m reminded of their journeys. So many of them are weary and hopeless when they arrive in Germany and I can’t wait to share with them the incredible hope we have in Christ.

Once my team arrives at Cafe Hope, I will not only get to serve the physical needs of refugees and persecuted Christians in the area, but I get to share with them the best news in eternity: that the one true God sees them individually, knows them fully, and loves them unconditionally. You can see more details below about what this running fundraiser looks like.

“So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.” - Galatians 6:9


Here are some updates and current prayer requests:

Current prayer requests for our team:
  • For our team to be guided by the Holy Spirit prior to the trip so we remain flexible and discerning in times of change.
  • For unity within our team in the coming months as we prepare.
  • For the Lord to meet our financial obligations.
  • For the strength, health, and safety for our team as we travel abroad. 

Prayer requests for the refugees:
  • Germany has the second-highest population of refugees in the world. Pray for the churches and workers helping this population during COVID-19.
  • Without speaking the language, refugees are getting updates about COVID regulations later than others and it is very difficult for them to get the necessities they need. Pray their needs will be met and help will be provided for them during this time of uncertainty and constant change. 
  • Because of social distancing, this population is isolated and cannot meet together as they are used to. Pray the Lord meets them in their homes and remind them they are not alone. 

Financial needs:
  • I have about $1,000 left to raise of the $2,500 goal
  • I’m forever grateful for every single dollar that is donated to this trip! Thank you for believing in me and supporting me. 
  • If you would like to give, you can either use this GoFundMe page or donate directly through New Life (select “Global Expedition: Germany” and then “Bernard, Emily”).

Fun(d) Run:
  • I will be running ONE mile for every ONE hundred dollars raised. I will be doing it in increments as the money comes in, and so far I ran 3 miles for the first $300 that came in. I still have a long way to go, so if you want updates on the Fund Run, follow me on Instagram for @emilygracebernard. 


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